MMHS Mathematics

Welcome to the MMHS mathematics website. Here you will find more information about the KS3 and KS4 mathematics courses learners study here at MMHS. Both learners and parents will benefit from the use of the site as we have included sections on course information, key dates, resources and links, log in details and contact details.


In this section you will find links and instructions for online resources that you can use independently to improve your learning in maths.

Please read the instructions in each section to get the most out of the resource.

Sites that require logins have been provided with login details and for certain sites you maybe required to register an account yourself.

If you have any difficulties logging into or accessing any resource, please refer the matter to your teacher.

Maths Genie has video tutorials, practice exam style questions and answers. Edexcel GCSE past papers with model solutions and video explanations. This website provides exam style questions for each topic. 

** Very Good for exam style questions **

A collection of clear maths video tutorials. Online tasks and worksheets available to practice with every video. This website is really effective to help learners practice skills. 

** Very Good for targeted revision and practice drills**

A collection of exam style questions with part worked solutions to aid learners. This website also includes some video tutorials to help. 

** Very Good for exam style questions with part worked solutions for support **

This is a hub for revision which includes tutorials of all the topics as well as practice questions. 

** Very Good for a step-by-step written tutorial and revision of topics **

Mr Morley Maths includes video tutorials to help learners as well as exam style questions for every topic. This website has split up the content for higher, foundation and crossover. 

** Very good for revising with worked examples. All levels including crossover are covered. **

1st class Maths has a wide range of revision materials and includes analytics to show how frequent topics show up in previous exams to help learners prioritise topics to revise. 

** Provides analytic data on previous exams so learners prioritise topics for revision. Exam style questions booklets available for these topics. **

A collection of past exam papers split in half. This website includes video tutorials on model solutions for previous exams.

** Provides a broken down schedule on revision of past papers so learners aren’t overload with revision ** Free live Tiktok lessons going through exam questions **

Access to the full Edexcel Foundation and Higher specification. Many online video tutorials and online exercises. 


** Questions are tailored to learners level **

When accessing all websites ensure you select "Edexcel" and then select the correct tier for you; "Higher" or "Foundation".

When you have watched a video ensure to make notes. Try the worksheets and if you struggle use the solutions to learn how to complete the questions.... AND add your notes again after using the solution!

Use your Sparx topic checklist to identify topics you need to work on and find the topic on the website you use. Watch the video or go straight to the questions. Most answers are available.